
Get College Ready: Middle and High School

During this workshop students and their parents are introduced to the minimum graduation requirements for high school and the minimum admissions requirements for college, which may not be the same sets of courses.  The workshop is designed to unveil the mysteries of the course registration process and help demystify how to get on the right path for college eligibility.

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The College Ready Mentality: Starting with the Right Mindset

This workshop is designed to help students and their parents prepare for college life.  People don't refer to it as "A Different World" for no reason.  Making the shift from high school to college can be hard, but together students and parents can work to tackle the challenges of college in a way that creates independence.  By highlighting common first-year mistakes and ways to avoid them, this workshop gives students pointers on how to play an active role in their education and parents the confidence to trust their student is making good choices.

Upcoming Workshops
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